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The Road to Adelaide

January 25, 2023

The Road to Adelaide

On Sunday there was a sense that I was at the ‘beginning of the end’…somehow the ending of the Princes Highway signalled the end of the first half of the journey from Sydney to Adelaide. In my head it did anyway! After a days rest In Traralgon, I headed to Leongatha which took me along back roads and another rail track – I was getting used to the solitude of these trails and looked for them whenever I could. This one was very pleasant and eventually dropped me close to Leongatha but not close enough, as I had to ride some wicked hills that really stretched me. I had booked in with a Warm Showers host but he didn’t show up, so I had to make last minute arrangements with a campsite, but it all worked out ok!

The next few days, indeed, the next week, followed a predictable pattern- ride, eat, sleep, repeat. I travelled through Mornington, across the ferry to Queenscliff, then hit the Great Ocean Road (or rather, it hit me!). It is truly a beautiful road, with breathtaking vistas, but it’s not for the faint hearted. There are some brutal climbs (the road to Levers Hill is heart breaking!), and of course there’s loads of caravans and mobile homes to contend with. But overall it’s a delight to ride. The last day on the GOR, from Princetown to Warrnabool, is utterly beautiful. Its beauty was amplified by a tail wind!

In terms of accommodation I had mixed experiences- Warm Showers hosts in Mornington and Queenscliff, a few nights of wild camping and a couple of ‘showground’ camping sites (very basic facilities!). Perhaps the best night was at Princetown where I camped right on the beachfront, along with other travellers who, as night descended, made a camp fire and brought out guitars and harmonicas….a great evening!

Once off the GOR it was back on the highways, presenting me with pretty monotonous kilometres of riding, interrupted only by being scared sh1tless by massive trucks passing way way too close for comfort! But I was blessed with a fairly continuous south easterly wind….and as I was travelling north-west….bingo!! I was clocking over a 100 most days in order to make it to Adelaide by the 28th, but the wind assisted days made that eminently possible. I certainly knew it when the road turned in to the wind!! I travelled up through Heyfield, Mount Gambier, and Narracorte, en route to Keith and onwards to Strath.

So, with 4 days to go and about 400 to cover, it’s all looking good to be in Adelaide very soon!


1 Comment

  1. Corrine and Phil

    Great to have you back!!
    Let’s see what your next wonderful adventure may be x