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Headed – In to the Red Stuff!

June 20, 2022

Day two and three. Oh for a traffic light, a pedestrian crossing, an intersection….anything! The last two days have really tested me mentally and physically. Day two was a short 60k ride but gee it was punishing, and today was 90 with some climbing and a mother of a cross/head wind 😢. And to top it off I staggered in to the roadhouse here at Barrow Creek to be greeted with ‘gday mate….hope you weren’t looking for somefing to eat cos yer outta luck!’ No food here till tomorrow. Great!! But luckily I have my dehydrated stuff and a tin of rice pudding…living the dream!! Mentally I’m coping. Missing Niamh like crazy, but slowly as the Ks tick by I’m rediscovering a little bit each day about myself. So whilst the food is crap and the Ks are mind numbing in their tediousness there’s something to be heard in that silence.

Thanks everyone for checking in – I can’t answer all of the posts as well, I usually don’t have a signal. Special shout out to Jill who built the site and is now uploading my posts as it’ll be September before my one bar of 3G (yep, 3….not even 4!) is able to post anything!!

Don’t forget to click on photos to see them!



  1. Susan and Dave

    Like your tent Tony. Even has a front door 🙂.

    The Roadgouse looks like it sells everything….um bar food tonight. Hopefully you can get food tomorrow before you set off on the next leg of your journey. Travel safe.

  2. Corrine and Phil

    Enjoying the photos. Interesting places coming up. Tennant creek, Daly waters. Enjoy a well deserved relax in the springs at Mataranka when you eventually get there xx

  3. Julie

    And all we complain about are traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, noise, pollution…… Although none of that now we are on KI!!!! Massive daily efforts Tony. You make me feel like a slob. Bitter Springs is much, much nicer than Mataranka if you are planning a stop in that area. Little Roper Caravan Park is absolutely fantastic. Sending lotsa love. XXX

  4. Karen Gibbons

    Love the photos – you are an amazing human TK. Keep turning the pedals over and remember to look up and see the amazing surrounds or we will all make you do it again lol


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