SOS only,….
Hi everyone. ‘A signal, a signal, my kingdom for a signal’! It’s been SOS only for the past 3 days. I hit out from Tennant on Friday morning in to a mother of all head/cross winds towards my evening rest stop at Banka Banka station, around 100k to the north of Tennant. It was a good ride and a delightful campsite which was packed with travellers. They make Dapper bread on an open fire in the evening and out chairs around an open camp fire to really encourage a community feel – loved it. What I didn’t love (after eating it) was a chicken curry from a mobile van parked up at the site -food poisoning m, oh joy of joys. I woke Saturday sick as guts but rode to Renner Springs only 65k away and got myself a room and slept for 24 hours! Gee I was sick. And with absolutely no signal I couldn’t even chat to folk to cheer me up 😢. Pretty low point of the trip for sure. I got up this morning and decided to try and get to Elliot, an Aboriginal community 95k to the north. With a good tail wind I knocked out the ride in 4 hours but with so little food being eaten the past 72 hours it took its toll for sure. I’m bush camping and have battened down the hatches with howling wind and pouring rain descending on Elliott tonight and all tomorrow 😢. It’s going to be a mentally and physically challenging 48 hours ahead. Good teat of my super light tent! And cycling gear! And me!
Sending my love and hugs to my beautiful daughter Niamh who has covid 😢…..a big hug Niamh, get well soon. And a shout out to my other beautiful daughter Charlie who’s just got her PR in Canada 🇨🇦 👏👏 ❤️
Hi Tony, you are made for this journey my old school friend. I admire your strength of character to take this on but if anyone can sail through it , you can. I really look forward to keeping tabs on your journey. What an experience!
PS. Be careful not to ride down any river banks, we don’t want a repeat of Sheerwater 1977 😂
Oh wow Tony, what were the chances. Bugger. Not much worse than a dose of food poisoning. Hope you’ve recovered ok. It can take a while before you feel 100%. Have stayed at Renner Springs. Loved it there. Keep up the great work my friend. I am in awe of you. Please make sure your input is matching your output. Good food and lots of it, is vital to staying strong. Hope Niamh is also well again. Sending hugs and love. XXX
Stay away from food vans. So sorry you were so sick!!!
Thank goodness you recovered 🙏