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Wet, Windy, Wonderful!

June 28, 2022

Two Amigos - Mad as a Cut Snake Both!! Cycling from Darwin to Uluṟu!

Well the wet and windy weather arrived on cue last evening – it howled and poured all night but this morning bought overcast but dry skies. Picked up a good tail wind later in ride but got a few drenching too. Arrived at Dunmarra around 3. Met a couple of mad cyclists going the other way – completely bonkers couple of lads on bikes from Aldi that were way too small, with no equipment and all manner of things strapped precariously to each bike, riding in sandals! Had such a ‘devil may care’ attitude. Riding to Uluṟu! It’s these characters that make this journey so rich. Paired up with a French guy riding from Cannes to Darwin for the last 20k. Loving this roadhouse….food, coffee, showers. So good for the soul after days of sweet feck all! I’ve the tent pitched and heading to get a hot meal from the roadhouse. Tomorrow heading to Daly Waters which apparently is a ‘must do’ thing to do. If I’m feeling ok I’ll continue on to Larrimah….Paddy Moriarty and Fran the Pie lady territory!! If not, I’ll enjoy Daly Waters legendary madness….horses and cows meandering through the bar!

Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement- I might not respond due to signal issues but trust me I read them all!

Thank you – it matters..

Dunmarra Road House Mural


1 Comment

  1. Corrine Mensforth

    No more food poisoning!!!
    Something you do not need!
    Enjoy Daly Waters and especially Larrimah, only 11 residents now, 12 when we were there😜
    Glad you have met up with some of the characters, they lift your spirits x


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