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Lost Luggage…..keeping me on my toes

July 18, 2022

I saw this sign (photo below) in the KL airport hotel and thought it was somewhat prophetic.

Last Wednesday (seems a lifetime ago) I managed to get the Bombtrack packed up and loaded on a flight to KL via Singapore. Had some fun and games in Singapore but bureaucracy workarounds worked and I got to KL at stupid o’clock Thursday morning. As some of you know when I arrived in KL….my bike didn’t. What followed was 4 days of waiting to be contacted but alas….not a jot, zip, ziltch, nada! Gotta love airline companies that are all over you like a rash, but ghost away when you wish to speak to someone after the flight! A lesson in patience which by day four had evaporated. Lu managed to get to KL and we had some time together away from the airport by the coast, which was wonderful, until she erupted with a rash from the pool chlorine 😢. Anyways, by Sunday I’d had enough of being ignored so on arriving back at the airport to see Lu off, I huffed and puffed my way to someone high up in Malaysia Air and bingo…. Suddenly, that which was lost was found!

It has been yet another personal challenge which I’ve struggled with to maintain a positive outlook.

I have to believe that the stars aligned to make this situation happen for a reason (as yet I fathomable!) The alternative is to think that the universe is conspiring to take a huge dump on me at each and every turn – true, the evidence would certainly be overwhelming to support that hypothesis – if I start to believe that then i might as well give up, because nothing will ever go right, and I refuse to believe that to be the case. The trip up through Aus was challenging and tough and bewildering at times, but it was always eventually positive, things always worked out and it went roughly to plan…in so much as there was a plan! All of the trials and challenges were not about it going ‘wrong’, but about the realities of traveling on a bike through vast spaces. I embraced them and, whilst not always appreciating them, at the time, they will be things to talk about, laugh about and reflect on for years to come. What happened here these past few days was a challenge because it was not of my making and I had absolutely no control over how to resolve it – Bush mechanics won’t work on the challenge of a lost bike!

So onward. One week at a time given the situation with family. But to be back on the road again will be simply healing in itself!
Given the sparse wifi network here (I’m staying with my Australian phone number and jumping in to wifi when I can), I will be sporadic in my updates.

In to the heat and humidity of Malaysia for a week to see how things go 😊



  1. Corrine

    Great sign 🤣
    Get to the out skirts of city and enjoy the peddling once again.
    Red dirt, rain, then heat, humidity, what more do you want!!!

  2. Tin Foil Hat

    Gedday mate.

    I get the impression that the vast Aussie environment has had a deep spiritual influence on you.

    This mind opening experience is part of the mystique of “The Outback” for those of us who are willing to let go.

    As regards bush mechanic repairs, perhaps I should have smuggled some of my Aluminium Foil into your backpack. No bottom bracket can resist it’s healing properties!!

    And it’s also good when wrapped around soft tissue injuries. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Azmiri Mian

      No longer in Australia – missing you already my friend.

  3. Lu

    Love and miss you dearly ♥️♥️🚴☘️


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