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Time Travel!

August 1, 2022

So, this journey has taught me many things about myself …..some I like, others, not so. But one thing I didn’t know was that I can time travel. Hold on, hold on, before you go ‘see, too much sun…gone to his head and he’s lost it completely now…’…..let me explain.

So, yesterday, bumper ride north of 150k. So getting accurate signage to let me know how far to go is pretty up there in importance. My Maps app is good but drains the phone, plus when I use low power mode it keeps turning itself off, so I just rely on road signs. So, cycling along, sign reads, by way of example…’Sarut 27k’ . Grand, lock that in, mentally dial it in, and off we go, counting down the Ks. So, around 30 Minutes later I’m greeted with a sign ‘Sarut 31k’. WTF. So not only have I not moved forward in time and space, I’ve actually regressed further back than the time I was at at the 27k sign 🤣…if you get my (backward) drift!

First time it happened I thought I had misread. But after the 4th or 5th I knew one thing….Thais can’t use an odometer 🤣. It’s soul destroying but occasionally funny! So now I just don’t believe the signs. So I’m not sure quite what distance I did – could be 4,874, or 13! Who knows!

I’m am however despite the time travel making great progress forward – I’m now only 700 from Bangkok! Those long big days in the saddle have eaten in to the distances much quicker than I anticipated.

This morning I got all togged up and the bike loaded in the foyer and I went ‘bugger it….I don’t want to ride today. I’m tired and need to rest’ so I paid for another night and went back to bed 😊. I think that’s a first for me, and a welcome one too!

I’ll be heading up through the isthmus over the next 400-500k. Hot and humid is on the menu, along with copious amounts of liquid and the occasional morsel of food if it can be located, and/or I can be served 🤣

Take care one and all and thanks for your texts, emails and messages 😊….they really matter 😊



  1. Baden


    • Tony

      Trust me my friend I want nothing more than Pad Thai or any Asian dish but after countless failed attempts (plus having had two ‘Thai’ dishes during the day all I wanted was something I KNEW I could eat. Some of the dishes I’ve had I swear things are still alive!

  2. Corrine

    Your journey has taught you things about yourself, as you said some you like, some not so…..reading your blog has taught me things too, travelling in the comfort of our car is not to be taken for granted!!!🤣
    Loving the photos!!!

  3. Azmiri Mian

    Good on you for taking a day off!!! Lovely speaking with you 🥰


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