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September 24, 2022

Hello everyone.

Well it’s been nearly 6 weeks since I left bangkok to travel to london to be with my father. It’s been an exhausting though satisfying time and I’m so glad I came over. Having got Bob back after it’s 2nd unplanned ‘holiday’ I was able to enjoy some riding through the beautiful Surrey countryside.

The main focus has been on clearing dads house out ready for sale. Over 4 weeks of removing, clearing and cleaning out his home it was on the market….and sold within days! So that was wonderful and I was glad I could contribute to getting his affairs in order. Dad remains in a care home which overall is pretty good place. His mental acuity is most discernible declining, as is his mobility and control over bodily functions, but there were always glimpses of his humour and approach to life which made us all smile, laugh and be grateful. The key thing is he is now safe, cared for and relieved of a home which he was never going to return to which provides him with financial security and perhaps choices in his care arrangements going forward.

So with a heavy heart I left Surrey on Tuesday to ride the 197k to my rellies in Great Dalby, in the midlands of England. That was a shock to the old system but I managed it, somehow….though have felt a bit rough and stuffed these last few days. It’s been wonderful to catch up with my extended family up here, but it’s time to turn the pedals again tomorrow. The next stage is to ride to Pembroke in Wales to catch the ferry to Ireland….no more planes for now as I rather like Bob can can’t risk another bike holiday sans rider!!

I’ll hopefully post every few days, not least so my Niamh can read what her mad dad is up to! I’m looking forward to some lovely English countryside and the welsh highlands….I might not say that when I’m slogging up them but I’ll moderate my daily distance so as to really enjoy the landscape.

I hope that each of you reading this are happy and healthy. I look forward to sharing my onward journey and reflections. Take care everyone.


1 Comment

  1. Sinead

    Hi Tony,
    I love the pics of you and your dad. This part of England looks lovely .


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