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Alien Territory

June 21, 2022

Day 4…..alien territory! Made an early start from Barrow to get to Wycliffe Wells, apparently the Roswell of Australia. The camp site is certainly cashing in on the ‘UFO capital of Australia!

It’s hotting up here and the first half of the ride was into a howling headwind. Then it turned for the final 50k 😊. Really struggling with saddle sores which are ruining the ride 😢. Will take a few days off if I can crawl to Tennant Creek tomorrow, but it’s a big ride from here so….we will see!

Thanks for the lovely comments and support – trust me, I do read them all and they mean so much, but I can’t always respond due to feck all signal!

Click on photos to open!



  1. Susan Price

    Ha. Australia’s Roswell.

    At least you know you have no chance of an alien abduction!!!

  2. Karen Gibbons

    There is no rush so stop awhile and recover. Great photos.

  3. Azmiri Mian

    Look after your tooshie… has a long way to go yet!!! Rest up.


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