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My Journal

It’s a long way to Tipperary

It’s a long way to Tipperary…. After a great nights sleep in the hostel I awoke to wind and rain, so decided to not risk the main road full of freight traffic to the ferry and risk a puncture (and miss the ferry!), so got the one bus out of town to Stranraer ….and...

Final Wishes

Some great fords to cross along the coastline.Final wishes I spent two days in Whitley Bay, barely venturing out due to the hideous wind and rain. I certainly picked the right day to be stationary! I did however discover Whetherspoons - a large pub food chain selling...


An English garden….was waiting to see the Vicar of Dibley pop out!Hi everyone. Firstly, thank you one and all for your loving thoughts at this difficult time. It’s been a challenging time but we got through it. Dad met the ‘great cremator’ on the 16th May in a...

It’s a long way to Tipperary

It’s a long way to Tipperary…. After a great nights sleep in the hostel I awoke to wind and rain, so decided to not risk the main road full of freight traffic to the ferry and risk a puncture (and miss the ferry!), so got the one bus out of town to Stranraer ….and...

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Final Wishes

Some great fords to cross along the coastline.Final wishes I spent two days in Whitley Bay, barely venturing out due to the hideous wind and rain. I certainly picked the right day to be stationary! I did however discover Whetherspoons - a large pub food chain selling...

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An English garden….was waiting to see the Vicar of Dibley pop out!Hi everyone. Firstly, thank you one and all for your loving thoughts at this difficult time. It’s been a challenging time but we got through it. Dad met the ‘great cremator’ on the 16th May in a...

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A Journeys End

Rest Easy Dad....After leaving my hosts Andy and Claire in Poole I headed to the ferry port which was only 4 kms away. I got there just in time ….i had awoken early to load up and of course….ran out of time. Anyways, got on board and the ferry left on time. I had...

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Going South

After a very tearful goodbye to dad on Monday I headed out towards Poole. The weather last week had really started to improve, with mild temperatures and little rain. Guess what …..Monday was pouring with rain and a shocker of a headwind! Of course it was! I delayed...

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A New Journey Begins…

‘You can’t explain what it’s like to mourn someone who is still alive until you have experienced it’ Soto Hi everyone. Well it’s been 9 weeks since I arrived in the UK to spend time with dad as he fell further in to the grips of his dementia. It’s been both a...

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