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My Journal

It’s a long way to Tipperary

It’s a long way to Tipperary…. After a great nights sleep in the hostel I awoke to wind and rain, so decided to not risk the main road full of freight traffic to the ferry and risk a puncture (and miss the ferry!), so got the one bus out of town to Stranraer ….and...

Final Wishes

Some great fords to cross along the coastline.Final wishes I spent two days in Whitley Bay, barely venturing out due to the hideous wind and rain. I certainly picked the right day to be stationary! I did however discover Whetherspoons - a large pub food chain selling...


An English garden….was waiting to see the Vicar of Dibley pop out!Hi everyone. Firstly, thank you one and all for your loving thoughts at this difficult time. It’s been a challenging time but we got through it. Dad met the ‘great cremator’ on the 16th May in a...

Made it to Darwin

Hi everyone. After a squidge over 1600ks Darwin rose up on the horizon. I had mixed feelings - on the one hand it was delightful to see the end of the Stuart highway, but on the other, I wanted to turn right around and head back to the red stuff and the isolation! How...

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At Last A Signal…..

WTF…. Wednesday, Thursday,Friday! I’ve been ‘bush’ for a few days so had, among other things, no signal. So here’s three days in one post 😊 Wednesday- Never trust a French man with a map! After a reasonable night in Adelaide Rivers Frenchman and I decided we would get...

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Bush Mechanic

Bush (kitchen) mechanic and rolling hills Over the past few weeks I’ve been swapping places with a great French guy called Lad who has cycled from Cairns on a,well, crock of shite! We would meet in a roadhouse or rest place, then not see each other for a few days. He...

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I Did Nothing

Not much to report today as well, I did nothing! Rode nowhere, but did get to walk around this delightful little settlement. But got a few pics which I’ll send through with some thoughts!

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Solar Plexus

Solar plexus man, remembering freewheeling, creaking bikes and a billion bats! Had a delightful start to the day having coffee and croissant with another cyclist from France in Katherine….how very civilised. We took it in turns to look after each other’s bikes whilst...

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Slip Sliding Away

At last the rains subsided late yesterday but the damage to the camp site was extraordinary! It took me 2.5 hours to move everything from my pitch to the camp kitchen where I could wash everything and pack it away on a dry-ish surface! Everything was caked in red...

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