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My Journal

It’s a long way to Tipperary

It’s a long way to Tipperary…. After a great nights sleep in the hostel I awoke to wind and rain, so decided to not risk the main road full of freight traffic to the ferry and risk a puncture (and miss the ferry!), so got the one bus out of town to Stranraer ….and...

Final Wishes

Some great fords to cross along the coastline.Final wishes I spent two days in Whitley Bay, barely venturing out due to the hideous wind and rain. I certainly picked the right day to be stationary! I did however discover Whetherspoons - a large pub food chain selling...


An English garden….was waiting to see the Vicar of Dibley pop out!Hi everyone. Firstly, thank you one and all for your loving thoughts at this difficult time. It’s been a challenging time but we got through it. Dad met the ‘great cremator’ on the 16th May in a...

Devils Marbles

Part of the point of this journey was the challenge myself in terms of my thinking - the ‘all or nothing’, do or die thinking which has been my default for decades. As I lay in my tent yesterday morning dreading the day ahead - sore arse and knees, as well as 134k to...

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Alien Territory

Day 4…..alien territory! Made an early start from Barrow to get to Wycliffe Wells, apparently the Roswell of Australia. The camp site is certainly cashing in on the ‘UFO capital of Australia! It’s hotting up here and the first half of the ride was into a howling...

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Headed – In to the Red Stuff!

Day two and three. Oh for a traffic light, a pedestrian crossing, an intersection….anything! The last two days have really tested me mentally and physically. Day two was a short 60k ride but gee it was punishing, and today was 90 with some climbing and a mother of a...

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And So It Starts….

With a ‘feels like’ temp of 2.4 I left Alice with 150k ahead on a truck of a bike that handled like a brick!! The roads are endless and it feels like you’re climbing on a ‘false flat’ hour after hour. A humbling experience just cruising through the ‘red country’....

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A new day…

Today saw the start of a journey in the making for many months. Before the sun rose in Adelaide (as it happens it couldn’t be seen with all the rain) I was north bound to Alice. And as I sit here at sun down on a calm warm evening I’m grateful that today, for once,...

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