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My Journal

It’s a long way to Tipperary

It’s a long way to Tipperary…. After a great nights sleep in the hostel I awoke to wind and rain, so decided to not risk the main road full of freight traffic to the ferry and risk a puncture (and miss the ferry!), so got the one bus out of town to Stranraer ….and...

Final Wishes

Some great fords to cross along the coastline.Final wishes I spent two days in Whitley Bay, barely venturing out due to the hideous wind and rain. I certainly picked the right day to be stationary! I did however discover Whetherspoons - a large pub food chain selling...


An English garden….was waiting to see the Vicar of Dibley pop out!Hi everyone. Firstly, thank you one and all for your loving thoughts at this difficult time. It’s been a challenging time but we got through it. Dad met the ‘great cremator’ on the 16th May in a...

Monkey’s Everywhere!

Today was blissfully restful! After getting the hell out of my ‘shed’/resort I booked in to a new hotel which was, well, a hotel! Prachuap is famous for its buddist temple Thammikaram Worawihan and its innumerable monkeys! There’s something like 350 steps up to it. So...

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Days they are a’mergin’ Thursday

When I sat down today to write about yesterday I simply couldn’t remember what I had done or seen, other than dogs and roadworks and more dogs! I know I clocked about 100k of undulating roads which in the main were pleasant. I did meet a mad German cycle tourist...

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Tuesday and Wednesday 😊

The last two days have been quite an exhausting adventure😊. After leaving Surat I headed north towards the base of the isthmus of Thailand. Lots of climbing but actually pleasant enough as the clouds kept the temperature down to manageable levels. Found a great place...

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Time Travel!

So, this journey has taught me many things about myself …..some I like, others, not so. But one thing I didn’t know was that I can time travel. Hold on, hold on, before you go ‘see, too much sun…gone to his head and he’s lost it completely now…’…..let me explain. So,...

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Weekend Update

Coasting along the coast almost completely on my own! Took a dip too!Friday and Saturday: Well, there’s something of a routine beginning to happen -wake up, ride a bike, eat, drink water till it’s coming out of my ears, eat, try to find accommodation, sleep! These...

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After the big ride on Tuesday, I was tired heading out today for another 100+ day. Didn’t help that I had to do battle with the morning traffic in the city - it’s amazing how quickly you simply abandon all pretence of being a law abiding cyclist and just act like...

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