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My Journal

It’s a long way to Tipperary

It’s a long way to Tipperary…. After a great nights sleep in the hostel I awoke to wind and rain, so decided to not risk the main road full of freight traffic to the ferry and risk a puncture (and miss the ferry!), so got the one bus out of town to Stranraer ….and...

Final Wishes

Some great fords to cross along the coastline.Final wishes I spent two days in Whitley Bay, barely venturing out due to the hideous wind and rain. I certainly picked the right day to be stationary! I did however discover Whetherspoons - a large pub food chain selling...


An English garden….was waiting to see the Vicar of Dibley pop out!Hi everyone. Firstly, thank you one and all for your loving thoughts at this difficult time. It’s been a challenging time but we got through it. Dad met the ‘great cremator’ on the 16th May in a...

Thailand 😊!

Monday: Having struggled to find anything to eat bar rubbish from the 7-11….I settled for rubbish from the 7-11 before heading for the border. In my mind I had this image of this border crossing swarming with lorries and cars and people. Nope. Just me!! Place was...

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Rolling Again

Well after a complete rest day yesterday I hit out this morning at 7 to try get ahead of the heat, as it was already 24 at that time. Today was, quite simply, delightful. Yep, one hill got the better of me (anything over 15% and I’m out) but other than that stinker,...

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The Hell of the South!

I awoke after a great nights sleep and nonchalantly set off with the understanding that as I was at the highest point I’d be grabbing a ton of Ks in freewheel. Well…,I’m sure you can guess what happened next. After climbing (yep!) out of the town and up a 2.5k beast...

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Up up and far away!

Up up and far away! Yesterday was in cycling parlance a ‘transition’ day, getting me to the base of the Cameron Highlands climb. I stayed at Tapah last night after an 86k ride. It’s funny how all towns at the base of big climbs have that same look and feel - the...

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Going north….still!

Going north….still! Well, on Monday I got me outta Dodge (the airport) and grabbed a ride to Kapar, heading North. I give the ‘Grand Hotel’ 10/10 for photoshopping their website for the place - like putting lipstick on a pig, as the saying goes. Let’s just say it was...

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Lost Luggage…..keeping me on my toes

I saw this sign (photo below) in the KL airport hotel and thought it was somewhat prophetic. Last Wednesday (seems a lifetime ago) I managed to get the Bombtrack packed up and loaded on a flight to KL via Singapore. Had some fun and games in Singapore but bureaucracy...

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