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October 14, 2022

On the move….again 😊

Hi everyone. Thank you for staying with me while I’ve been somewhat stationary in the UK and Ireland. But time has come to move on. Before I left Cork on Wednesday Barry and I cycled to the ferry port at Ringaskiddy crossing over the Lee estuary on the small car ferry, and met two ex colleagues, now friends, Sinead and Karen (who had brought enough food to feed an army….which I appreciated as I had loads to eat on the ferry 😊).

There was a sadness in leaving Ireland…for now. I’ve no idea what’s ahead or how long it’ll be, but I know I’ll be home again when the time is right.

Trouble comes in three so they say…!!
Bonjour! Well I slept very well on the ferry last night and we pulled up to the quay at Roscoff bang on time. It was 8 am local but pitch dark! Not what I had planned for,so a mad scramble ensued to find lights! I popped in to Roscoff town for breakfast and had the very best coffee and croissants- so delicious. Got chatting to an Italian guy who has been in Ireland for a year and is now hitting the Brittany coast chasing the waves. A real surfing dude! It was so good to reconnect with like minded travellers.

When I left, the slight drizzle had turned to rain! So I headed off knowing I only had a very short 45 or so to do today. It really didn’t take too much effort to ride on the right – I was a little apprehensive about it but it was actually pretty easy!
Following my maps I stayed on the D roads, but then got pulled off one section as, well, apparently cyclist aren’t allowed. It was frustrating as it meant adding significant Ks to my trip.

So I turned my Maps reader to cyclist mode and sure enough, before long I was off down tracks and wooded paths….but it was good fun….I knew the bike could handle it so off we went. But by this time Bob was making an unholy racket….bottom bracket…again! Notwithstanding the advanced warning of my presence (thanks Bob) the scenery was wonderful, and the small towns were delightful even in the rain!

So I got to the farm campsite early enough and set about pitching my tent. Only to discover that one of the inserts that allows the carbon poles to join together was…not there, rendering the whole tent useless. But once I’d worked out how I could fix it, I sat patiently for over an hour until I had a solution done! Tent up, food had and a walk to the small village shop followed! Then I got on to fixing the bike, which I managed to do (for now) then….got stung by a wasp that had decided my tent was a great alternative to the hive. Sweet god it hurt like feck. For hours. I can’t use my right hand as it’s swollen up like a balloon and I could cook my tea on it it’s so hot! But hey….that’s three things so I’m hoping thats it 🤣🤣! Rain forecast all day tomorrow but then brighter the following few days 🌞. Really looking forward to where will take me tomorrow…foot paths, tracks and trails. Given it’s gonna be wet I’ve opted for a warm bed tomorrow…sod the cost!

Sending my love and warm hugs to the two most important girls in my life – Charlie and Niamh. Miss you both so much.



  1. Susan and David

    Bonjour Tony
    So pleased you had a lovely time in Ireland and able to catch up with good friends. Thanks for the video – good memories. We note that you didn’t cycle further into your heartland…..tucked away for a longer summer trip.?

    Your photos are great. Really enjoying them.

    France via lanes and by-ways and little villages sounds and looks a delicious prospect. The old farm kitchen thoroughly charming. Hope your hand has healed up and you have a beautiful ride.

  2. Sinéad

    Hello Tony,
    It was great to see you again in Ringaskiddy, your first day in France sounds eventful! I hope your hand has recovered. I love seeing the pics!
    Take care,


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