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Heading into Wales

September 27, 2022

Sunday: Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth. After a very cold night I awoke to a lovely sunrise with promising weather forecast. It was 2 degrees but my thermals paid for themselves! I was snug as a bug in a rug 😊. The tent was saturated though with morning dew and condensation so I had to pack it up wet…not good! The ride, around 115k, was overall lovely going in to Wales and basically going east to west of Wales. The roads were undulating and then I hit the whooper of climbs over the Brecon Beacons…wild, windy and wet, but stunning scenery. And oh how delightful it was to drop down to Aberystwyth 😊. Another day of absolute madness of drivers. I was so so lucky to survive a car overtaking loads of cars coming towards me at crazy speed and oblivious to my presence. So scary – nicked the side of my pannier! And another madness when at a set of roadworks lights the driver behind me thought he could squeeze in to a space that didn’t exist on the single roadway – knocking me in to the roadworks. And just carried on!

I had booked in to a small B+B but when I got there the owner was..out! So I sat in the front garden for an hour…until the neighbour made me a lovely cuppa and just as she did the owner arrived!

Monday – Aberystwyth to Fishguard. I think I can safely say today was undoubtedly the toughest so far. I was greeted with rain, and howling winds this morning. 800 metres in to the ride and the first of what turned out to be one of countless 15%+ climbs. All day I slogged against the elements and incredible hills. At one point the wind was just too strong to ride as it was throwing me off the road…a bit scary in the driving rain, though I can’t complain-in the main the wind was either behind me or across me, though occasionally it was bang in my face! Whilst I cussed a few times it was also a great mental and physical challenge which I quite enjoyed. Met another mad cyclist, cycling the coast of the UK for the MS Society- she had 1500 miles left. An incredible effort. We both bemoaned the idiots on the road, swapping stories of near misses…I had two today. I’m glad I had my brakes serviced a week ago!!

I booked in to this incredible hostel – and I’m the only resident in the place. It’s a converted old school house, and the dude running it was so welcoming. And the shower was out of this world!
Tomorrow I’m heading ‘home’ – across the sea to Ireland 🇮🇪 😊😊.



  1. Susan and Dave

    I didn’t realise you had started your blog again. Thank you. We love it. Wonderful photos of the things we all like about England (and vivid descriptions of what we hate – the appalling drivers). We enjoyed the lovely and interesting ones of Wales and can only imagine what it must be like cycling there in the exceptionally beautiful but very hilly and mountainous country. The photos of you and your Dad are very special.

  2. Susan and David

    And a big PS.
    We are looking forward to your story on your homecoming to your special place and photos.
    Love from Susan and Dave

  3. Susan

    And a big PS.
    We are looking forward to your story on your homecoming to your special place and photos.
    Love from Susan and Dave


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