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And then it rained….and rained

July 2, 2022

And then it rained….and rained

When you are caught in the heavy rains, open the umbrella of mind, take refuge under the roof of reason! Mehmet Murat Ildan

Today – rest day number 2. Equipment required,….canoe!    What did I have…..a bike.

Gee did it rain. And rain. And then it rained some more. Camper vans and caravans all being pulled out by a JCB having bogged overnight, such was the deluge. My tent got water logged around 5 this morning and stuff got rather wet! I’ve spent the day in the camp kitchen trying to stay warm …an exercise in futility if ever there was. But it stopped raining around 5 so I scooted off to get even wetter….this time in the hot springs 😊😊.

So not exactly a restful rest day but that’s all part of this journey – to try and live in the present, and adapt to what’s thrown at you.
It’s been a day of comradeship, people sharing food and drinks, helping each other out and keeping spirits up. A very testing day – this morning was certainly the low point of the trip so far – cold, hungry, wet, and lonely. But we got through it. Tomorrow brings a new adventure 😊



  1. Julie

    Well Tony, you are much tougher, resilient and committed than moi!!! So good to see you have retained your sense of humour. What a journey to date. You could never have imagined what you have already endured. You are truly being tested dear friend, and you are handling it all brilliantly. Absolutely love your attitude. You are truly inspirational. Hoping things take a turn for the better. Big hugs xxx

  2. Azmiri Mian

    A community of campers in times of need, good to see 🙏


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