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Made it to Darwin

July 11, 2022

The First Sight Of Darwin

Hi everyone. After a squidge over 1600ks Darwin rose up on the horizon. I had mixed feelings – on the one hand it was delightful to see the end of the Stuart highway, but on the other, I wanted to turn right around and head back to the red stuff and the isolation! How weird after all that that red stuff had thrown at me! I don’t think its sunk in quite what a wonderful experience these past few weeks have been. It’ll take a few days to process all that has happened, the places I’ve been and the people I’ve had the privilege to meet along the way so far. But more is to come 😊

I’ve been hanging out in Berry Springs – a lovely little place with its own Springs (well, of course!) just a few K from the campsite, but unfortunately it was full of loud, drunk muppets – even at 10 in the morning! And feck me if I hear one more whip crack I’ll scream – every other kid had a whip, and all day it sounded like a fireworks display without the colour or visual wonder!

And I’ll probably will be the cause of the financial demise of the campsite – they had a eat all you can buffet ( there were a lot of FIFO workers at the site) evening meal and breakfast, so, well, let’s just say my body is well and truly refuelled 🤣🤣

So, now I turn my attention to what comes next. As some know, my father has been very unwell. His partner Al has taken on a significant role in arranging his care and being a constant in his life, at a time when everything he’s used to has changed. But this (and caring for her own father) has had a significant physical and emotional toll on Al, and she ended up in hospital last week with incessant nose bleeds. She has had surgery and is now home recovering, but it’ll be rest, rest and more rest for Al.
This trip was always taken on the understanding that when the time comes I’ll head back to be with my dad. The road will always be here -he won’t. So given what’s happened I’ll be making plans one week at a time. I’ll write more when I’m in a position to know what next 😊 but the plan is to get to KL and then reassess.

One thing is for sure – whilst this little gig across Aus has been a great start in my healing journey, there’s much much more wanted…. and needed.

Thanks everyone for your support, love and encouragement both for the physical challenges and the emotional/reflective journey (which undoubtedly is tougher than the riding!).



  1. Simon Wong

    Well done Tony for making it to Darwin; great effort mate! Thanks for sharing your journey and reflections with us along the way. We’ve been there with you in spirit.

  2. Karen Gibbons

    You are so strong. Good on you my friend

    • Azmiri Mian

      The vast difference between the red of Central Australia and the green tropics of Northern Australia. What a beautiful country we live in. So glad to hear of your “Red Dust Healing” experience. I simply love grounding myself when I am there.

      I am so happy to hear you are in Berry Springs. Enjoy.

      Hope dad and Al are ok.

  3. Garrin

    You’re a very good man Tony, Very few would match your dedication.

  4. Corrine and Phil

    So proud to call you our friend!!
    Your work ethic, your personal commitments will be rewarded you just can’t see it yet.
    As Simon said we are with in spirit every step of the way

  5. Julie Collett

    Hi Tony, brilliant work and I hope you are enjoying Kualalumpur for a short time at least. One thing you have definitely learned through this journey, is to take just one day at a time. That is all any of us can do. Sending much love and accolades to you dear friend. Good luck with your dad. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  6. Jo

    Nice little ride T.
    Not to be outdone I took on my own challenge for two weeks not quite the same kms as you but there again I was running!

  7. Pat McAvaney

    G’day Tony,
    I’m slow on the uptake on many things in this modern world, particularly the internet… but I am sooo glad I’ve started reading your blog. Your journey is so inspiring…and I’m only up to Darwin! I can’t wait to read your travels through SE Asia!
    Look forward to seeing you on the road when you’re back in Adelaide next month.
    Take care mate,


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