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PS I give in….

August 15, 2022

Soooo…..after what was an eventful flight with a child directly behind me screaming for about 4 of the 12 hours (I sensed he was a young child with special needs) I arrived in london…..but my bike did not. Does that sound familiar??? You simply could not make this shite up. So my earlier post about considering the possibility that the universe is conspiring to take an enormous dump on me at every turn took one step closer to moving from hypothesis to fact! I think I actually cried. And of course the dance began again ‘so, Dr Kemp, if you fill out this form we will start the process of locating your bike and oh, any questions, just call this number’. What they should say is ‘sir, I know I might appear to care but I actually don’t give a shit as we have your money. And that number to call….no one will answer it’. As it so turned out it was an answering machine which was ‘full’ so you couldn’t leave a message 🤣🤣😡😡.

I’m happy to rewrite this Bull for a more accurate description of what will NOT now happen 😡


1 Comment

  1. Azmiri Mian



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