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June 29, 2022

The Pink Panther Pub at Larrimah

Q: If you are heading in a NW direction and the wind is from the SE, do you have a tail wind?

A: Yes…Except in the NT 🤣

Well today was truly epic! Hit out from Dunmarra around 9 in the rain, and headed for Daly Waters. I stopped for coffee at the Hi Way roadhouse at Waters but didn’t go to the infamous Dalys Pub…it was only 42k from starting so decided to hit out for Larramah. 93k later having battled rain and incessant headwinds I got to the infamous Pink Panther pub and camp ground. What a wacky weird and eerie place this is….made more so by the mysterious disappearance of Paddy Moriarty 5 years ago….check it out on ABC! It’s still pouring with rain 😢….everyone’s bewildered by this unseasonal weather but I’m loving the cool wet weather, except all my stuff is damp!

I’ve been re-reading the book ‘The Body Keeps the Score’… outstanding reflective and evidence informed book about trauma and how the brain is triggered by past events. Powerful insights that truly help to connect your personal experiences to sound explanations, to help you realise that you’re actually not going mad! Highly recommended it!

And on a really positive note….for those that know me well you’ll be familiar with the mad Irish woman who has since 2015 been making outrageous claims against me and many others back home…..the first of a number of court cases against her brought by those profoundly impacted by her lies and evil deceptions concluded yesterday and tonight she starts a three year sentence (the final year suspended). My best friends case comes up soon, so that 3 years is almost certain to grow. There’s a queue of people waiting to have their day in court! It has taken years to bring her down but eventually her disgusting behaviour has come back to bite her badly….GOOD!! A very happy day for those of us who has to endure her crap for so so long 😊



  1. Julie

    Hi Tony, what a great post. Love your positivity In the face of adversity. Rain, wind, weird campgrounds, to add to the food poisoning, but you are sounding strong my beautiful friend. We get the easy task of reading all about it, but you are doing it and living it. Just amazing. Love you lots. XXX

  2. Stephen Arrizza

    Living this mate. Great work, May the tailwinds be with you.

  3. Susan Price

    Looks a wild and whacky place to chill out! And it’s great you have been treated to some characters who are also making somewhat crazy but epic journeys.

  4. Sinead

    Tony I love that book too, some great insights. That Aussie pub looks like it’s seen some wild nights!!


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