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Rolling Again

July 25, 2022

Rolling Again

Well after a complete rest day yesterday I hit out this morning at 7 to try get ahead of the heat, as it was already 24 at that time. Today was, quite simply, delightful. Yep, one hill got the better of me (anything over 15% and I’m out) but other than that stinker, it was undulating hills through glorious forest bursting with life. The sound was intense. And the road was a cyclist delight 😊. After the pain of Friday, this was simply delicious! There were road side stalls everywhere, so I was never far from food and water, which really mentally helped me to relax and soak up the scenery. Stopped for lunch at this road side /street food cafe – whilst I asked for noodles, (well, I thought I did!) I was treated to noodles, plus chicken, plus beef, plus veggies, and ice cold water 😊 and a strawberry flavoured shake! All for about $3! I had to manage early niggles of cramp for the last 40 or so kilometres, but thankfully the residual cramp pain from Friday stayed away! I’d booked a hotel which paraded itself as ‘deluxe’ but when I got there, well, ‘dilapidated’ would fit better. Plus no wifi, no where near any food outlet, and the room charge didn’t include blankets or pillows – they were extra 🤣🤣. Found a motel about 6k further on!!

Today restored my enjoyment in cycle touring as a way to see, up close and personal, a country. I was shattered on Friday, physically, mentally and emotionally, but I am slowly learning to hold the perspective that that one day should not and does not get to determine this trip, or me. It was what it was. Move on. Learn from it, but don’t let it dictate how I feel or think about this journey. I can be real good at catastrophising…’that was shite, therefore…..’. There’s an art to letting go, one I haven’t mastered yet!

Tomorrow I’m going to try getting through the border to Thailand 😊. The rules about border crossing change almost by the hour so I’m anticipating that I’ve forgotten something or somethings not in order. If so….I’ll book in to a room close to the border and sort things out, and try again!!

Thanks for reading. Happy Sunday 😊



  1. Susan and Dave

    Looks like a glorious day of riding and relaxing into it. Beautiful countryside, interest and plenty of food and refreshment along the way.
    What would a journey be without some issues along the way? As you say -they don’t define who you are.
    I’d be amazed if the border crossing is easy. Could make for an interesting day. Have a great day.

  2. Azmiri Mian

    Thinking you should write a coffee table book on accommodation services…


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