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Weekend Update

July 30, 2022

Coasting along the coast almost completely on my own! Took a dip too!

Friday and Saturday:
Well, there’s something of a routine beginning to happen -wake up, ride a bike, eat, drink water till it’s coming out of my ears, eat, try to find accommodation, sleep! These last two days have been exhausting. The temperature has soared and my day is dominated by water stops and an endless hunt for food. Paradoxically, there’s lots of food, but often they just pretend not to see you! It’s weird – like being at sea and surrounded by water but unable to drink any of it!! Often you rock up at a stand and a) it’s unattended b) it’s attended but they are fast asleep and/or c) they are in attendance but don’t want to serve you 🤣!

And hotels are becoming something of a Bermuda Triangle as they constantly ‘disappear’. I went to four on my app yesterday….three didn’t exist and the other was closed! I must confess to being wearisome of this daily slog to eat and find rest….not least as it often coincides with the hottest part of the day! But….it is what it is and it’s all part of this travelling experience.
The past two days I’ve cleared 200 or so Ks with a massive ride tomorrow to get to the bottom of the isthmus of Thailand. Can’t say I’m looking forward to tomorrow with soaring temperatures and humidity off the charts! Had my third puncture today – I don’t mind as it’s a chance to stop but gee I wish they would occur where there’s a modicum of shade!

Two things have brightened me up these past few days-talking to Niamh, which is always a highlight of any day, and talking to Azi after her heart procedure! Azi, I’m so relieved that the emergency procedure was a success, and you’re back home recovering- someone sure was looking out for you, and looking out for those of us who have the joy of knowing you, as we all get to continue to experience your love, care and compassion 😊.

Rest and take care!


1 Comment

  1. Azmiri Mian

    I love you my dear friend. You have always been there for me. I am missing you dearly 💖


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